Launch of the European Doctoral Network TAME (TAu-ImMunE)

08 January 2024 par Super Administrateur
| From Jan 2024 | 9 open PhD positions

We are pleased to announce the launch of the European Doctoral Network TAME (Tau-Immune), which we will coordinate as CNRS beneficiary for the next 4 years.

Visit our website and join us: we are recruiting 9 talented doctoral candidates for positions all over Europe.


Join Us

Candidate eligibility

  • Eligible candidates have to be in the first four years of their research careers and in possession of a European Master’s degree or equivalent but not yet awarded with a doctoral degree
  • The researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the hosting country for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the start of the contract date.
  • We are committed to equal opportunity recruitments.

Application eligibility

  • The complete application must be received before 31 January 2024 (application deadline);
  • The applicant must possess a European Master’s degree or equivalent at the application deadline;
  • The candidate must have an excellent proficiency of English (based on the TOEFL test).

Selection criteria

  • Merit and excellence criteria (25%): academic track record will be one of the considered criteria (examination and dissertation marks, courses followed, internships, etc.);
  • Knowledge and experience in the field (20%);
  • Non-academic skills, such as communication and teamwork skills (20%);
  • Fluency in English and criteria such as previous mobility, teaching experience, publications, awards (25%);
  • external expert assessments (reference letter(s)) (10%).


| From January 2024 |