Alexis Verger takes part in the Radio France programme « la Science CQFD » on the subject of artificial intelligence.

20 March 2024 par Super Administrateur
| Live broadcast on March 19, 2024 - 4pm | Podcast |


Proteins play a fundamental role in the functioning of living organisms. More than their amino acid sequences, it is their shape that tells us about their function. But determining this structure is a real headache, which has been largely solved by the AlphaFold AI…


        • Alexis Verger, CNRS Researcher in Molecular and Structural Biology
        • Elodie Laine, Professor of Computational Biology at Sorbonne University
        • Mathias Germain, Journalist at La Recherche

A programme in partnership with La Recherche, co-hosted by Mathias Germain.

‘La Science, CQFD’ a Radio France progamme hosted by Natacha Triou


| Live broadcast on March 19, 2024 – 4pm | Podcast |